Friday, August 28, 2009

Would You Rather...

I went to church with my housemate (George) last night and the Teacher made some interesting comments about how we value (or don't) the words of our God. He posed the question, "If you could have $1,000,000 or God's Word, which would you choose?" My immediate thought was, "I think I'll take the $1 million and buy a Bible." Maybe this was your thought as well! But though this may sound reasonable, it reveals what I value; where I source my confidence: me & the $ I can obtain. Because I live in material abundance here in SoCal, it's easy to think, "I can provide for myself. If I just work hard enough, I can make ends meet." The problem is that this kind of thinking neglects the character and nature of a Creator God; a God who made & owns all things, who knows how to "give good gifts to those who ask Him" (Matt. 7); who calls Himself Jehovah Jireh, "the LORD Provides." And I would exchange this God who stretched out the Heavens & formed the Earth, for a few pieces of paper that have "value" only because several people agreed on it?! Unbelievable, Paul.
Over the last three weeks, starting with a message from Francis Chan, and continuing throughout Zambia, God has been expanding my awareness that I am among the economically wealthy of the world. This means that Jesus' teachings and warnings to the wealthy are aimed at me...and maybe you, too. "It is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 19:23), "you cannot serve both God & Money" (Matt. 6:24), don't "fix [your] hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy" (1 Tim. 6:17). Riches are transient, can provide a false sense of security, and pale in comparison to knowing the One who supplies the wealthy.
In the face of seeing so many over the last two weeks who love Jesus, have nothing compared with my society's standards, and yet are so full of Christ's Joy and demonstrate such deep faith in God, I must pause and reconsider where I've placed my trust. Do I trust God only as long as I can pay my rent? Put 3 tasty meals on the table each day? Finish my education? Pay off my loans? Hold a job? If these are my prerequisites for Faith in God, then I have placed my trust firmly in myself and money. "Paul, how long will you miss out on the fullness of Joy & Contentment that I offer through trust in Me (Jn. 10:10)? How long will you seek after temporary fortunes (Mt. 6:19)? How many griefs must you pierce yourself with before you believe My words (1 Tim 6:10)?"

So how bout you? Where do you place your trust? What would you rather have?

I was reminded of a song this week. A favorite of mine as a young child:

I’d Rather Have Jesus (audio)
I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold;
I’d rather be His than have riches untold;
I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands,
I’d rather be led by His nail pierced hand.

Than to be a king of a vast domain
Or be held in sin’s dread sway,
I’d rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today.

I’d rather have Jesus than men’s applause;
I’d rather be faithful to His dear cause;
I’d rather have Jesus than world-wide fame,
I’d rather be true to His holy name.

He’s fairer than lilies of rarest bloom;
He’s sweeter than honey from out of the comb;
He’s all that my hungering spirit needs,
I’d rather have Jesus and let Him lead.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Home! Come listen, over dinner...

Hey all!
We just got back in the states on Tuesday (8.25), and we'd love to tell you about what God is doing in Zambia, IN PERSON! We're having dinner this friday as a team + friends & fam, to share some pictures, videos, and what God did in and through us. I'd love to see you there!

What: Trip Debrief N' Share
Where: Juan & Nena's Place
When: Friday, 8-28 @ 5:30pm
What to Bring: *a dish to share (I'm bringing homemade guac!)
*some questions for the team
*a heart ready to rejoice!

Hope to see you soon!

Our time Here is short, let's get busy making a difference in Eternity,
Much love,

Sunday, August 23, 2009

O, Chitenge...

So in Zambia the Chitenge ("Chee-tang-gay") is all the fashion rage. If you are a woman living in Zambia, you will quickly become aquainted with ease and adaptability of the chitenge. You may even fall in love with it. So guard your heart. Lest you be quickly wooed by its roughly 1-yard X 2-yard edges of cloth that come in a variety of colors and patterns. Beware of its subtle beauty and multiplicity of uses arising from simplicity of design.

Top 14 Chitenge Uses:
1) Skirt
2) Pot-Holder
3) Bandana
4) Baby Carrier
5) Object-to-Head Attacher
6) Baby Bike Seat
7) Table Cloth
8) Overhead Luggage Cushion
9) Blanket
10) PT Patient Mat
11) Window Shade
12) Fly/Mosquito Swatter
13) 2-piece, week's worth of Wardrobe
14) Handkerchief / Tissue

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Coming to a Close

So today we wrapped up our Youth Seminar @ SunnySide Church. There was a full house (~200ish), and we all got to share our different seminars. We also did a vacation bible school activity (making butterflies!) with the children at Samaritan's Church. Tomorrow Leah & I are going to Immanual Baptist Church to share some words. I want to talk about John the Baptist's challenge to his followers "Bear fruit in keeping with repentance" (Matt. 4ish). I especially want to encourage the youth we've had a chance to interact with, to put into action ("fruit") the principles and teachings they've learned this past week.
Pray for our time together, that we would mutually encourage each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. Our desire and continued prayer is for the Youth of Zambia to take their HIV epidemic seriously, and respond by pursuing a God-honoring lifestyle. By pursuing a sexual lifestyle that honors God, the youth can make a difference in their generation, in both their physical and spiritual health.
We're flying out of Lusaka Monday around 1pm, and supposed to get into LAX around 2pm on Tuesday. Only one more day, we pray that we may make the most of our short time. Thank you for your prayers, and see you soon!

And, as most of the statements in church here are punctuated, "Hallelujah." To which the Body responds, "Amen!"

Hallelujah. Amen!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Living In Lusaka

Hey Everybody,

We're here in our 2nd full day back in Lusaka, staying at the home of the Wests. They have a spare laptop, and some wireless internet, so here I am!

For a much more complete and detailed account of our time here in Zambia, check out our team blog that Mallory is updating with regularity.

We've been doing youth conferences for the last two days here (tuesday & wednesday) with youth from zones 1 & 2, out of the 3 church zones that are in Lusaka. As a team, we offer 5 different seminars: Youth Ministry, Dating & Relationships, Marriage Workshops, Reach 4 Life, and Spiritual & Physical Health. Mallory (our fearless team leader) and I, have been tag-teaming the Dating & Relationships seminar, and enjoying all the challenging questions we're asked! Our seminar examines some of the qualities that make for a God-honoring husband & wife (eph. 5:22-33), and practical ways to put these relationships (1 tim. 5:1-2) into practice. We've gotten the expected & not-so-expected questions from "Is it OK to have sex before marriage?" and "Is kissing, OK?" to "Is it ok for me to date a girl if I don't have a job?" God has blessed us with dating experience, reminding us of His Word, and GREAT TRANSLATORS who are familiar with the cultural context in which questions are asked. We'll be doing one more set of seminars on friday (Zone 3) and then a collective youth conference (Zones 1-3) on Saturday. Very much looking forward to it!

Prayer Needs:
*That many youth would come to the Conference on Saturday
*Wisdom - during our Q & A (i.e., to represent God's Word accurately)
*That many youth would decide to honor God with their Sexual Purity in their Dating relationships.

Well, gotta go. Laptop time comes to a close :)
Thank you for your prayers,
Much love & God bless,

Paul (or as I've been named, "Mapalo", which means "Blessing" in Bemba)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Reach 4 Life!

In addition to a specific focus on Dating, we'll be training youth pastors and youth leaders in the Reach 4 Life (R4L) materials. Designed to address some of the most pertinent needs of the youth (e.g., HIV prevention, navigating dating and relationships, decision about sexuality), R4L opens the discussion and challenges readers with a Biblical perspective. Written and designed by a native African, these materials have impacted 1,000s of African youth. Check out their history and more info on the Reach 4 Life website.
What an honor we have to train others in these powerful materials!

Today's the Day!

Today's the Day! We're taking off from LAX @ 10:30 this evening. After a 5-hr flight to New York, we'll be hitting the longest leg of our journey: a 17-hr flight to South Africa, then a short hop to Lusaka, Zambia. We're looking forward to the time together as a team, and the many hours to brainstorm and clarify our ideas about what we'll be sharing at each of the two conferences. After divvying up the Conference assignments, our team leader, Mallory, and I will be leading the Dating Seminar, woot! We want to take a look at how God views relationships, and how we can practically apply those attitudes in the dating realm in a culturally relevant way. We have our task cut out for us!

Prayer Needs:
*Presence of mind --- packing everything we need
*Safe Travels --- to the airport, in the air, and in Lusaka
*Sensitivity to the Spirit --- as we plan our seminars, opportunities to Share the Gospel

P.S. It's not to late to contribute financially! Though we are leaving today, the church will be accepting donations while we are in-country. If you would like to make a donation, print out a response card which has all the information you will need (e.g., who to make a check out to, mailing address). You can also find the response card on the post two down, labelled "Financial Support." From a count a few weeks ago, I am at $1400 raised (~40%). Thank you for your prayers and financial support!

The Wests

We'll be staying under the roof of the hospitable West family for one week during our time in Lusaka. They are American missionaries serving with the BCZ (Baptist Convention of Zambia), focusing specifically on the theological training of pastors in Zambia. Click here to check out their most recent newsletter, or learn more about them on their website. If you would like to support their ministry, click here or follow the link on their homepage.
Thank you Wests for your hospitality!